Thursday, October 30, 2008

October LA PUG

Hello! greeting from Los Angeles.

This month's Studio Spotlight for the LA PUG was the lovely Meg Perotti. She shared a slideshow of her stunning work and told us that she's quitting her day job TOMORROW to become a full-time photographer.

Our October speaker was switched to November at the last minute, so I stepped up and took the role of speaker for the evening. I brought my computer and gave the Keynote talk that I presented last month at both PartnerCon and Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association. I love my PUG - everyone is so open and willing to participate.

I want to start traveling a lot more, so if you would like to have me speak at your PUG, please let me know!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dennis Reggie in Chattanooga!

Ok, so I'll admit that this is the first time I've posted to this blog. With so many blogs and forums to be involved in though, I have to say it gets pretty crazy!

Anyway, I thought this was blog-worthy, so we go!

Amber and I have spent time with Dennis Reggie in the past, even away from the crowds, but I have to say that the PUG at our place in Chattanooga a couple of weeks ago was a treat! We had PUG members from the Nashville and Knoxville groups as well, with a total of about 35 people crammed into the bottom level of our home!

Very rarely do photographers have a chance to interact with Dennis in a more relaxed setting, but this was so low-key and up close and personal, and I think we were all excited for the opportunity! I think Dennis felt the freedom to speak with even more passion than he normally does, as well as throwing in jokes here and there - it was brilliant!

The following are a few images from the evening. It got pretty dark in the room as Dennis was showing slides - hence the silhouette images.

Monday, October 13, 2008


nicole and steve

nicole and steve

nicole and steve

nicole and steve

nicole and steve

nicole and steve

nicole and steve

nicole and steve

sanjay and shereen

sanjay and shereen

sanjay and shereen

sanjay and shereen

sanjay and shereen

sanjay and shereen

sanjay and shereen

nicole and greg

nicole and greg
Posted via Pixelpipe.