Wednesday, September 30, 2009

McLellan Style speaks at Nashville PUG

It doesn't look like many of the PUG leaders have been posting here lately. I know I am guilty of not posting.

I wanted to inform all of you about the great response we had for Sean & Melanie McLellan of McLellan Style. DWF and Finao's "Photographer of the Year" spoke at Nashville's PUG for the first time. Their presentation was titled "Shooting with Purpose, Shooting with Style: Pushing the envelope and delivering amazing results, no matter what!" This much anticipated talk brought out a surprising number of photographers making our attendance close to four times the normal amount!

I asked Sean & Melanie if it was alright to promote their presentation to the other PUG leaders and they said they would be willing to come speak for you. They will be guests at the Atlanta PUG tomorrow night. If you would like to have them join your PUG, drop them a line at

Peter Carlson
Nashville PUG Leader
Dove Wedding Photography

Here are some photos from last month's meeting:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Gigbooks comes to LA

This month, I want to thank Shani Barel of Don't Smile Now Photography for being our Studio Spotlight and Justin Kifer for sharing a little bit about his online-business management software, Gigbooks, with us!

Does anyone read this blog? The first person to email me and put "watermelon" in the subject header wins a prize.

And thank you to June Ungaro for taking this cute pic of me and Marty.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jason Kiefer at the LA PUG

On the last Wednesday of April, the Pictage User Group I lead in Los Angeles was REALLY lucky to have Pictage founder, Jason Kiefer as our speaker for the night. Jason gave a very informative Powerpoint presentation on the state of the photography industry and what Pictage was doing to keep up. There were a few others from Pictage who came to the meeting, and all were really open to our comments and suggestions. I love that Pictage is willing to change and create an environment that is perfect for its members.

Thank you, Jason, for taking the time to speak to us! I think you should speak to a few of the other PUGs, too! You did a great job.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March PUG in Los Angeles

I'm planning a v-e-r-y slow PUG tour this year. I'm going to try to fit in travel and speaking in between my weddings because I just want a chance to go out and see new places and meet new people. Last night, I practiced my talk, "Getting from I Do to I'm Done" on my OWN Los Angeles PUG. It was really fun! Thank you to Justine Ungaro for taking the photos.

I want to thank Kolo Albums, Tamrac Bags & Kubota Image Tools for providing such great prizes for the group!

Also, thank you to Christa Meola for being our Studio Spotlight! She shared some really cool information and showed us a stunning slideshow of her current work.

Here is Christa, our Studio Spotlight:

Then I took over to give my talk:

We have a really great group in Los Angeles! If you are a photographer in the area, please feel free to join us!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Los Angeles PUG gets personal!

On Wednesday, we had the pleasure of getting to know our Studio Spotlight, Heather Kincaid. Heather showed us a stunning slideshow of her work and told us a little bit about how she started and where her business is going.

The rest of the time we talked. There was no speaker or program for the meeting because the goal was to share things we'd learned at the WPPI Convention. We were there for over three hours, and I was so thrilled with the amount of helpful and insightful information that was shared by everyone. I have a great group.

This is the lovely Heather Kincaid.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Philadelphia Photographers Video

Last month a few of us got together and hung out and shot each other. We decided to have Pete Malone of First Floor Films videotape it. We plan on posting it everywhere to build more buzz about our Philly PUG.

The video stars some Philadelphia based wedding photographers: the always happy Joy Moody, show me the moves Ryan Estes, the queen of budoir and dudoir Jenn Childress, Yours Truly ,Sofia Negron and Pete "no pants" Malone

Phun with Philly Photogs from First Floor Films on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

LA and OC PUGs go to LACMA

We decided to start the year off with a field trip to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to see the Vanity Fair Portraits that are currently on exhibit. It was so much fun to see the photographs with so many other photographers! Afterward we all headed down to Life on Wilshire for appetizers and drinks and to just catch up with each other. (You'll have to check my Facebook page for those shots since I just shot and uploaded them from my Blackberry.)

THANK YOU to everyone who attended, and thank you to Mark Barnes who sent me this image for my blog!


Friday, January 9, 2009

CT PUG Holiday Party

Here's a video of everyone trying to cram into one picture: CTPUG

Thursday, January 1, 2009

PGH PUG Holiday Party!

We had an enjoyable time at our 3rd Annual PGH. PUG Holiday Party! Most of the usual PUG subjects joined in the festivities with a few extra shooters thrown in the mix and one new PUG member! All in all, it was nice to sit around, have a few drinks and talk shop together.
Thanks to Pictage and to my fellow PUG members for another wonderful year! Now let's make 2009 our most successful PUG year yet! Looking forward to all our PUG meetings this year!

BIG love, Joanne Bartone Photographer | |