Philly PUG has guest speaker- marketing, business plans and pricing
We will be having a guest speaker talk more about pricing, marketing and business plans. Three meeting ago we had a business guru come in and I was surprised how little people actually understood about branding, business plans and target marketing. The biggest question from that night was, how do we get people to book on us and not on price. Well I am hoping that this question will get answered more in depth at theis meeting.
I also sent out a survey to get feedback from all the Philly photographers so that we can increase attendance. Our numbers are usually steady at around 5 people.
Any ideas on how to increase attendance? Do you find people like a more social atmosphere or when you really present something related to biz or technique?
Fun! (Yep, only a weird one like me would say "fun" to biz stuff)
Honestly, I'm not sure what pulls the most people out.
Our biggest meetings by far were:
1. Lightroom Demo in May that I did (40+ here!)
2. Pictage Album night (when people had the chance to get a free album - also ~40)
3. We did a BBQ/business talk night this summer that had good attendence
4. Guest Speakers (DJ last year, we had someone from PPA come out but that had less show up because it was in the summer time)
5. Holiday Gathering @ a Studio downtown: Pure social time with food, drinks, and us playing slideshows of our pics to show others
I'd be interested in getting more guest speakers out and seeing what works for other PUGS as well to drive attendance.
We mix business with social. We always go out to eat after our meetings. I think everyone is just becoming good friends and like to get together every month.
Of course DJ and free albums brought out a lot of people.
- peter carlson
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