Friday, November 9, 2007

Coming to a PUG near you!! :)

Hey guys!

Justin and I are going to be visiting some PUGs this winter to talk about relationships and how important they are for our businesses, especially our relationships with other photographers and how amazing PUG is for that!! We're trying to figure out the schedule and where all we're gonna be able to go, so if any of you leaders think that's something you'd be interested in for your group please feel free to shoot us an email at justin@imagine-imaging and we'll see if we can get it set up. It would be such a HUGE help in trying to figure all this out! Serioulsy, thank you guys SO much in advance! I feel so blessed by all of you that I already know and I can't wait to meet even more of you!



Sofia Negron Photography said...

we'd love to have you guys in Philly and we are only 3 hours away. Come one you know you want to see the city of brotherly love. Besides we needs some PUG love. People just aren't making enough effort to build a community. we have about 5 that come regularly but there are so many great photogs here!!

Mary Marantz said...

awesome! we'd love to come hang out with you guys!! plus it's a great excuse to come down and grab dinner with you! can you email us with the dates for your next few meetings?


Raleigh PUG - Millie Holloman said...

Mary - come here, come and see me and chat with our group! We would love to have you both!

Raleigh PUG - Millie Holloman said...

I just realized my commenting is showing up as Raleigh PUG, this is Millie!

Joy Moody Photography said...

I think Philly and Jersey might try to combine PUGS for our Holiday PUGS, that might be a good time to come down. We can let you know what that date is.

Justin Marantz said...

awesome! that would be so much fun!!