Thursday, December 13, 2007

Philly/NJ PUG Holiday Party

We had our holiday party last night. While we did not have near the showing we would have liked the people that did show up had a blast. We bowled two games, had lots to eat and drink and were very merry. It was a great time had by all.

Here I am concentrating hard, straight down the middle! I am not good at bowling.
Heather Fowler showing her stuff
Ryan Estes, master bowler.
Sofia Negron and her sparkley ball.
Chris, who won both games and was very nonchalant about the whole thing. He was good.
Ryan again, a full succession depicting his true form of bowling.


Jules Bianchi said...

oooh! bowling! I'm stealing this idea!!

Robin Dini Photography said...

great form! CT Puggers had a bowling extravaganza as well. We invited a new game of power bowling...Work up a sweat man! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year PUG!