Saturday, January 19, 2008

Raleigh NC PUG Group

We have been averaging about 10 people at each of our PUG meeting and at just 5 months old, I was pretty happy. This past week we met at a different time of the month because New Years Day fell during our regular meeting time. Justin & Mary Marantz came out to talk to our group and I advertised the meeting in advance through email, we had a SUPER turnout. I believe there were 21 of use total (OUR BIGGEST PUG GROUP YET!). One guy said he had no idea what he walked into or what PUG meant and at the end of the meeting he told me how much fun he had and that he would be back.

I feel like we are finally beginning to establish good relationships with one another in the group and just this week we started up a nice email dialogue with our opinions on what someone in the group was dealing with. I am also working to get some things lined up in advance because I find we have better attendance when we advertise what we will be discussing in advance. In Feb we will be given a demonstration of Lightroom by Elizabeth, who is a PUG group member and in March we will have a CPA come out and chat about taxes and what we are doing right or wrong. I am excited about the relationships we are building and our growth over the last 5 months.

We have several people driving in from 1-2 hours away to be with us.

Justin and Mary did an awesome job and I continue to hear how much they inspired everyone in the room. Here are a few shots I grabbed at the meeting, Justin actually asked our waiter Bo to grab the group shot. A neat little note: Bo has been our waiter has served us since we started and he even came in on his night off to wait on us this week... We love him!

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